Sony To Raise PlayStation Plus Prices Up From September

Sony to raise PlayStation Plus Prices Up From September
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Sony is set to raise the cost of its PlayStation Plus subscription from September. The annual Essential plan will experience a price hike from $60 to $80, the Extra plan from $100 to $135, and the Premium plan from $120 to $160. This adjusted pricing will come into effect on September 6th.

Sony states that for existing PlayStation Plus subscribers, the increased pricing will only apply from subsequent renewal date or after November 6th. Yet, any alterations made to subscription, such as upgrades, downgrades, or purchasing extra time, will require payment at the new rate.

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Sony says the price hikes will go into effect globally and will allow the company to “continue bringing high-quality games and value-added benefits” to the service. It adds that the yearly plans will still come at a discounted rate as opposed to the one- or three-month subscriptions that it offers.

Introduced last year, PlayStation Plus serves as Sony’s counterpart to Xbox Game Pass, offering access to a changing assortment of games on a monthly basis. In September, PlayStation Plus will grant access to titles such as Saints Row, Black Desert: Traveler Edition, and Generation Zero.

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