Latest US Dollar To Naira Black Market Rates Today

Latest US Dollar To Naira Black Market Rates Today, 8 August 2022
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What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange rate at, offical CBN rate, aboki fx and the black market. How much is the Dollar to Naira exchange rate today, 8th August 2022? You convert your dollar to Naira at these rates, or you convert your dollar to Naira at the most recent, official CBN rate, black market or parallel market rate.

The official rate today, Monday August 8th 2022, for $1 dollar to naira = ₦429.00/$1.

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According to the data obtained from the FMDQ, where Naira is traded officially, the exchange rate between the naira and the US dollar opened at ₦429.00/$1 on Monday 8th August, and closed at ₦428.12 to a $1.

US Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate Today, 8th August 2022

Dollar to Naira (USD to NGN) Black Market Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate 630
Selling Rate 660

Naija News reports that  the US dollar to naira exchange rate changes hourly. The exchange rate fluctuates depending on the volume of dollars available and demand for it.

This means the exchange rate you buy and sell the dollar could be different hours later (high or low).

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