Seven Steps to Cast Your Vote

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If you are a registered voter and your name appears on the register of voters at your polling unit, you are qualified to vote. Below are the seven steps you must take to vote successfully and make your vote count.

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On each Election Day, polling stations will open for Accreditation and Voting from 8:00 am to 2.00 pm. However, voters on the queue before the close of poll at 2:00pm will be accredited and allowed to vote.

Voting Procedure

Step 1: At the polling unit, join the queue. An INEC official will check if you are at the correct polling unit and confirm that the PVC presented belongs to you.

Step 2: An INEC official will confirm if your PVC is genuine using the card reader. You will be asked to place your finger on the card reader.

Step 3: An INEC official will ask for your PVC and confirm you are listed in the Voters Register. Your name will be ticked and your finger will be inked to confirm you have voted. If your name is not found you cannot vote.

Step 4: The Presiding officer will stamp, sign and endorse your ballot paper. You will be given the ballot paper rolled with the printed side inwards and directed to the voting cubicle.

Step 5: Stain your finger with the ink given and mark the box for your preferred candidate/party. Roll the ballot paper in the manner you were given and flatten it. You can use any of your fingers but ensure that the ink does cross the borderline and thereby render your vote void.

Step 6: Leave the voting cubicle and drop the ballot paper in the ballot box in full view of people at the Polling Unit.

Step 7: Leave the Polling Unit or wait if you so choose, in an orderly and peaceful manner, to watch the process up to declaration of result.

N/B: The result of each Polling Unit shall be pasted at the unit for everyone to see.

Your Right as a Voter

On each Election Day, you have the right to:

Access the polling station.

Receive information on the voting procedures from the poll officials.

Vote in secret.

Responsibility of The Voter

Obey all lawful instructions from the INEC and Security Officials on election duty.

Leave the polling unit or wait if you so choose in an orderly and peaceful manner.

Encourage other voters to do likewise.

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