Step-by-Step Guide To Obtaining The Italy Golden Visa

Step-by-Step Guide to Obtaining he Italy Golden Visa
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Users can get a high-paying job, enroll in an educational institution in any corner of the country. What are the reasons for moving? Each person’s motivation is purely individual: someone is looking for development options, someone dreams of living in a country with a suitable climate, and someone needs a backup habitat, and so on.

Italy is considered to be a good option for life changes. Excellent location, delicious traditional dishes, superb scenery with historical sites – these are the advantages of Italy residence that attract modern users. But it is a great opportunity to significantly expand their own business, to take it to a new level.

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Italy Golden Visa was created for those who want to change their own life. Who can issue it, terms of use are presented below.

What is the Italy Golden Visa?

What does it mean? The economic development of any state depends on the correct application of internal resources, external trade relations and, of course, on the attraction of monetary capitals. That is why the government has developed a mechanism to attract them from foreigners. Citizens of non-EU countries have a great opportunity to obtain a residence permit and other benefits of Italian Golden Visa. The service is valid for two years, with further continuation for another three years.

Step-by-Step Guidance

Before you can apply, you need to get Nulla Osta. It is enough to use any device connected to the Internet. The procedure is performed online on the official website. The period of consideration is thirty days. In case of a positive response, you can download Nulla Osta on your personal page on the Investor Visa portal. There is no need to visit the office in person.

It is possible to submit a request within six months after receiving a positive response.

Choose and Make the Required Investment

The government creates conditions for attracting international flows of human and material resources. Several real working concepts have been developed.

The following options are offered: donations to charity funds, purchasing government bonds, investing in an innovative startup – investing in a limited liability company.

You can choose the most beneficial option with a suitable contribution amount.

Prepare Necessary Documentation

It is impossible to go through the procedure without providing documents. It is not superfluous to consult a specialist.

To apply for Nulla Osta you will need:

  • a copy of the passport;
  • a resume indicating the level of education, work experience;
  • proof of transparency of reputation;
  • bank statements;
  • proof of legitimate savings;
  • notification for the purpose of donation or investment;
  • notification of previous donations or investments;
  • proof of consent of the recipient of the investment or donation;
  • a declaration of commitment stating the amount of money to be invested.

A statement of residence will be required.
Upon receipt of the Nulla Osta are provided to the embassy:

  • passport;
  • passport-sized photograph;
  • a copy of the Nulla Osta;
  • originals of previously submitted documents;
  • proof of residence in Italy;
  • proof of income for the previous financial year (not less than 8500 euros).

According to Vladlena Baranova, an expert on the investment program (Immigrant Invest company), it is better to entrust the execution of documents to a specialist. This will help to avoid misunderstandings.

Submit the Application

The investor visa is not subject to the annual entry quotas stipulated by the Italian government. Applications for an Italian golden visa can be submitted at any time and without quota restrictions.

Advantages of Italian Golden Visa

The Italy Golden Visa program is designed to attract foreign direct investment into the country. In addition, it offers undeniable Italy Golden Visa benefits:

  • eligibility for Italian citizenship after 10 years;
  • flexible tax system;
  • free movement within the Schengen area;
  • the possibility to include family members in the application;
  • entitlement to medical care;
  • the right to obtain employment for the applicant and his/her family.

The process of applying for an Italian investor visa takes place in the shortest possible time. By the way, other European programs take longer.

Dual Citizenship in Italy

It is worth noting that investment does not guarantee a direct path to get citizenship. However, you should know that applying for naturalization is possible if you meet the mandatory conditions. One of them is to live in the country for ten years. It is possible to obtain dual citizenship. You can get detailed information from a specialist or a representative of the Migration Service.


Immigrant Invest – provides a full range of services to the public at an affordable cost. The company offers comprehensive solutions for a variety of issues, including obtaining dual citizenship in Italy. We guarantee full support of qualified specialists, experienced lawyers, providing all the necessary information. Be confident in your future today.

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